Hospitality & Travel

Improve guest experiences and drive loyalty in the dynamic hospitality and travel sector through personalized rewards, local partnerships, and sustainable initiatives that create memorable journeys and foster long-lasting connections.

Platform that Scales for Millions of Users


Programs Designed for Your Industry

Experience and Loyalty

Transform every stay into an extraordinary experience, cultivating guest loyalty through personalized perks and tailored rewards that exceed expectations.

  • Elite Guest Rewards
  • Tailored Travel Deals
  • Check-In Surprise Perks

Acquisition and Branding

Expand your reach and strengthen brand identity through authentic local experiences and targeted marketing initiatives that resonate with modern travelers.

  • Destination Discovery Network
  • Local Experience Partners
  • New Guest Welcome Kit

Partners and Affiliations

Leverage strategic partnerships to enhance your offerings, expand your reach, and provide seamless travel experiences across multiple touchpoints.

  • Travel Alliance Rewards
  • Booking Partner Incentives
  • Group Travel Rewards

Compliance and Social Responsibility

Demonstrate your brand's commitment to ethical practices and sustainability, aligning with conscious consumers' values and expectations.

  • Responsible Travel Perks
  • Sustainable Hospitality Training
  • Guest Feedback Forum

Experience and Loyalty

Transform every stay into an extraordinary experience, cultivating guest loyalty through personalized perks and tailored rewards that exceed expectations.

Offer exclusive benefits and recognition to your most valuable guests. Increase repeat bookings, drive higher spending, and create brand ambassadors through personalized experiences and premium perks.

Deliver customized promotions based on guest preferences and travel history. Boost conversion rates, increase guest satisfaction, and maximize revenue by presenting the right offer to the right guest at the right time.

Delight guests with unexpected upgrades or amenities upon arrival. Enhance the check-in experience, create positive word-of-mouth, and set the tone for an exceptional stay that guests will want to repeat.

Acquisition and Branding

Expand your reach and strengthen brand identity through authentic local experiences and targeted marketing initiatives that resonate with modern travelers.

Partner with travel influencers to showcase authentic local experiences. Increase brand visibility, attract niche markets, and build credibility through genuine content that inspires travelers to choose your brand.

Collaborate with local businesses to offer unique, immersive experiences. Differentiate your brand, provide added value to guests, and support local communities while creating memorable travel moments.

Greet first-time guests with a curated welcome package and introductory perks. Make a strong first impression, encourage program enrollment, and lay the foundation for long-term loyalty from the very first stay.

Partners and Affiliations

Leverage strategic partnerships to enhance your offerings, expand your reach, and provide seamless travel experiences across multiple touchpoints.

Form alliances with complementary travel brands to offer a comprehensive rewards program. Provide more earning and redemption options, attract a wider audience, and create a more compelling value proposition for frequent travelers.

Motivate travel agencies and booking platforms to prioritize your properties. Increase bookings through key distribution channels, strengthen partner relationships, and ensure consistent guest experiences across all booking methods.

Develop a dedicated program for corporate clients and event planners. Secure more group bookings, build long-term B2B relationships, and differentiate your brand in the competitive meetings and events market.

Compliance and Social Responsibility

Demonstrate your commitment to responsible tourism and sustainable practices, aligning your brand with the values of conscious travelers and industry standards.

Reward guests for making sustainable choices during their stay. Encourage environmentally friendly behaviors, reduce operational costs, and appeal to eco-conscious travelers by gamifying sustainability efforts.

Empower staff with knowledge and tools for sustainable practices. Enhance guest experiences through informed service, reduce environmental impact, and foster a culture of responsibility throughout your organization.

Create a platform for guests to share insights on environmental, social, and governance initiatives. Gather valuable feedback, demonstrate transparency, and involve guests in shaping your brand's responsible tourism efforts.

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PACE Methodology

At NextBee, we have created the PACE Methodology to distill our experiences in the market into an easy-to-follow guide for shaping the success of nearly any program.


Establish emotional touchpoints and provide users with a sense of purpose, which will keep them feeling fulfilled. 


Design a structured program that can adapt as your users progress, leading to both stability and consistent growth.  


Track program user activity to maintain momentum and direct your users' engagement in the most effective way possible. 


Keep your program fresh, intuitive, and fun to increase excitement and engage your program users at all stages. 


Boost Engagement through Full-Service Integration

NextBee’s platform blends technology, service, and support for seamless, rewarding customer journeys.

Expert Assistance

NextBee’s industry experts help design tailored programs to ensure they align with your business goals and provide onsite support for a successful launch.

Rewards & Incentives Management

We manage reward delivery across various channels and support a wide range of rewards – all delivered based on user preferences​.

Analytics & Insights

Utilize robust tracking and analytics tools for a 360-degree view of participant activities, helping optimize engagement strategies with data-driven insights and performance metrics​​.

Integration Support

NextBee offers flexible configuration and integration to embed solutions into your existing systems, such as CRM and LMS, for a seamless user experience​​.

Campaign Management

Get support for launching promotional campaigns, including contests and commission plans, tailored to different user segments to drive engagement and incentivize desired behaviors​.

GDPR Compliance

CX360 by NextBee is completely GDPR compliant from data deletion and export tooling we have taken care of all the requirements and many others for FERPA, HIPPA, and FTC.