Multichannel Retailers

Maximize customer engagement and drive sales across all retail channels through innovative loyalty programs, targeted acquisition strategies, and socially responsible initiatives that create a seamless shopping experience.

Platform that Scales for Millions of Users


Programs Designed for Your Industry

Experience and Loyalty

Cultivate customer loyalty by delivering personalized rewards and engaging experiences across online and offline touchpoints.

  • Frequent Shopper Rewards
  • Lifecycle Engagement Program
  • Scan & Reward App

Acquisition and Branding

Expand your customer base and strengthen brand presence through targeted outreach and community-building initiatives.

  • Student Shopper Discounts
  • Brand Enthusiasts Network
  • Free Trial & Samples

Partners and Affiliations

Leverage strategic partnerships to expand your brand's reach, enhance value propositions, and create unique collaborative opportunities.

  • Retail Partner Rewards
  • Affiliate Rewards Network
  • Supplier Loyalty Program

Compliance and Social Responsibility

Demonstrate your brand's commitment to ethical practices and sustainability, aligning with conscious consumers' values and expectations.

  • Hassle-Free Returns
  • Sustainable Shoppers Club
  • Recycling Rewards Program

Experience and Loyalty

Cultivate customer loyalty by delivering personalized rewards and engaging experiences across online and offline touchpoints.

Incentivize repeat purchases through a tiered rewards program for online and in-store shoppers. Increase customer lifetime value, encourage cross-channel shopping, and gather valuable data to fuel personalized marketing efforts.

Tailor marketing communications and offers based on each customer's journey. Boost engagement, increase purchase frequency, and reduce churn by delivering relevant content and promotions at every stage of the customer lifecycle.

Develop a mobile app that allows customers to earn and redeem rewards easily across all channels. Enhance the omnichannel experience, increase in-store engagement, and drive impulse purchases through real-time, location-based offers.

Acquisition and Branding

Expand your customer base and strengthen brand presence through targeted outreach and community-building initiatives.

Offer exclusive discounts and promotions to college students. Capture a valuable demographic, build brand loyalty early, and leverage word-of-mouth marketing among a highly connected audience.

Create a platform for your most passionate customers to connect, share experiences, and advocate for your brand. Foster a sense of belonging, generate authentic user-generated content, and turn customers into brand ambassadors.

Distribute product samples or offer free trials to potential customers. Reduce purchase barriers, increase product awareness, and drive conversions by allowing customers to experience your products firsthand.

Partners and Affiliations

Leverage strategic partnerships to expand your reach, enhance your offering, and create mutually beneficial relationships within the retail ecosystem.

Develop a loyalty program for your B2B customers, such as wholesalers or small retailers. Strengthen business relationships, increase order volumes, and encourage long-term partnerships through exclusive benefits and tiered rewards.

Incentivize bloggers, influencers, and content creators to promote your products. Expand your digital reach, tap into niche markets, and drive targeted traffic to your online and physical stores through performance-based rewards.

Create a rewards program for your direct sales representatives or suppliers. Motivate partners to prioritize your products, provide better service, and drive sales growth through a structured incentive system.

Compliance and Social Responsibility

Demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction, sustainability, and ethical business practices, aligning your brand with conscious consumers' values.

Implement a customer-friendly returns process that also encourages responsible shopping. Increase customer satisfaction, reduce return rates, and minimize the environmental impact of returns through education and incentives.

Engage environmentally conscious customers, particularly students, in promoting sustainable shopping practices. Foster brand loyalty among young consumers, generate positive PR, and position your brand as a leader in retail sustainability.

Incentivize customers to recycle packaging or return used products for proper disposal. Reduce environmental impact, demonstrate corporate responsibility, and create a positive feedback loop that encourages repeat sustainable purchases.

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PACE Methodology

At NextBee, we have created the PACE Methodology to distill our experiences in the market into an easy-to-follow guide for shaping the success of nearly any program.


Establish emotional touchpoints and provide users with a sense of purpose, which will keep them feeling fulfilled. 


Design a structured program that can adapt as your users progress, leading to both stability and consistent growth.  


Track program user activity to maintain momentum and direct your users' engagement in the most effective way possible. 


Keep your program fresh, intuitive, and fun to increase excitement and engage your program users at all stages. 


Boost Engagement through Full-Service Integration

NextBee’s platform blends technology, service, and support for seamless, rewarding customer journeys.

Expert Assistance

NextBee’s industry experts help design tailored programs to ensure they align with your business goals and provide onsite support for a successful launch.

Rewards & Incentives Management

We manage reward delivery across various channels and support a wide range of rewards – all delivered based on user preferences​.

Analytics & Insights

Utilize robust tracking and analytics tools for a 360-degree view of participant activities, helping optimize engagement strategies with data-driven insights and performance metrics​​.

Integration Support

NextBee offers flexible configuration and integration to embed solutions into your existing systems, such as CRM and LMS, for a seamless user experience​​.

Campaign Management

Get support for launching promotional campaigns, including contests and commission plans, tailored to different user segments to drive engagement and incentivize desired behaviors​.

GDPR Compliance

NextBee is completely GDPR compliant from data deletion and export tooling we have taken care of all the requirements and many others for FERPA, HIPPA, and FTC.