Gain Customer Insights with Powerful Surveys

Easily create, distribute, and analyze custom surveys to collect feedback and data from your users.
10 Million+ Users | 1.2B+ Tracked Transactions | 22 Integrated AI Modules

Data-driven Surveys

Design customized surveys tailored to your users’ interests and preferences with advanced targeting and segmentation tools. Get data-driven insights to improve your engagement strategy.

Full Service Setup

No need to build surveys from scratch. Our experts handle everything from collaborating on relevant survey topics to programming skip logic and deploying your surveys on our platform.

Iterative Survey Capabilities

Start with a simple survey and easily expand over time. Our platform makes it simple to add questions, update targeting, and enable social sharing. Scaling the surveys you set up is simple.

Advanced Segmentation and Targeting

Segment your users into specific groups based on traits and behaviors. Target surveys to different segments for comparative data and a personalized experience for each group.

Multichannel Distribution

Distribute customized surveys across channels like email, SMS, mobile push notifications, social media, website banners, and more. Reach your users wherever they are for higher response rates.

Custom Survey Builder

Our flexible drag-and-drop survey builder allows you to fully customize surveys with your own questions, branding, logic rules, skip patterns, response formats, images, and more.

Real-Time Analytics and Alerts

View survey results and insights in interactive dashboards in real-time. Configure alerts to notify you when target metrics like NPS and CSAT reach thresholds, allowing prompt action.

Our Commitment

NextBee is committed to helping you boost engagement and collect valuable insights through powerful surveys. Our intuitive platform makes it easy to build personalized, multilingual surveys integrated with your CRM. We provide real-time analytics so you can optimize the survey experience. As your partner, we are dedicated to creating surveys that drive value by gathering actionable feedback from your users.

Empower Your Users

Our surveys give your users a voice. We help craft survey questions and flows that make respondents feel heard, driving higher engagement and loyalty.

Create Personalized Experiences

Our advanced targeting and logic features enable you to tailor surveys based on user needs and behaviors. Personalized survey experiences result in more relevant insights.

Boost Program Knowledge

Customizable dashboards and detailed reports expand your knowledge of your users’ preferences, highlighting areas to improve your program.

Explore how Our Platform Boosts User Engagement


Make engagement fun and addictive by integrating points, badges, leaderboards, and rewards to increase adoption, enjoyment, and retention.


Launch custom goals, contests, and competitive quests to engage users. Turn participation into an exciting game that motivates loyal involvement.

Gain Insights Straight from the Source

Send customized surveys to collect first-hand feedback, insights, and data directly from your users. Request a demo to know how our platform can help you start creating targeted surveys that provide actionable intelligence.

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