Drive Sales with a Flexible Commissions Platform

Create tiers and automate payouts with our smart commissions management platform. Accelerate sales by tying goals to commissions.
10 Million+ Users | 1.2B+ Tracked Transactions | 22 Integrated AI Modules

Full Service

Get help from our industry experts to design your program along with onsite support to successfully launch a fully integrated program.

Quick Start

Adopt proven practices from our 10 years of experience to launch a program that gets you started quickly and ensures success under tight budgets or timelines.


Enhance your existing program or build a scalable embeddable solution within your current framework so you can tap the power of engagement and promotions.

Flexible commission rules

Define customized commission structures including percentage, flat fee, tiered, or hybrid models, and tailor commission rates based on factors like sales volume, product type, location, affiliate tier/level, and more.

Split commissions

Share commission payouts with multiple users/parties by setting allocation percentages and rules for dividing commissions among distinct partners, sales reps, or cost centers.

Commission tracking

Track individual affiliate referrals, traffic sources, and sales transactions attributed to each affiliate channel, integrating with your ecommerce platform.

Custom Goals

Create personalized goals for each user based on their interest and role. Users accomplish goals to earn attractive commissions.

Leaderboards & Badges

Encourage your users to consistently perform better in the pursuit of achieving the next goal and earning commissions with dynamic leaderboards and virtual badges.

Automated payouts

Commissions are automatically calculated and paid to each user based on sales activity and sent out on scheduled payment timelines, streamlining payment processing.

Commission portals

Provide your users access to commission statements, payment and tax documents, and tools to view commission details and track payments in a self-service portal.

Intelligent Analytics

Robust reporting provides insights into commission costs, liabilities, affiliate program ROI, sales performance, and transaction trends attributed to different channels.

Our Commitment

NextBee is dedicated to helping you boost sales through a flexible yet powerful commissions management platform. Our intuitive solution and deliverability tools make it easy to drive engagement. With features that align with business goals, technical expertise, and ongoing support from our team, we maximize your success with our platform so you can build valuable relationships and loyalty through tailored user experiences.

Customized Solutions

We provide customized software solutions tailored to each client's unique business needs and goals. Our experts work closely with you to deeply understand your requirements and challenges to deliver a solution that fits your organization.

Ongoing Support

We are committed to your success. Our support team is available to provide guidance, troubleshoot issues, and ensure you get the most value from our solutions. We also frequently improve our software based on user feedback.

Security & Compliance

We build your engagement program from the ground up with security and compliance in mind. Our solutions utilize enterprise-grade security practices like encryption, access controls, and data protection to safeguard your company’s information.

Get Started Today!

Talk to one of our expert consultants to learn more about how the NextBee platform can maximize engagement and boost lifetime value from your current eco-system of users.

Fill out my online form.

    Step 2 - Schedule Appointment

